Thursday, December 14, 2006
Yesterday was a long day, started at 8:00 am giving a talk to a hospice about Santa visiting their clients. If anyone is intersted it is a wonderful organization I invite all to check it out. Then if the Christmas Spirit of giving grabs you, they have a place where you can make a donation right online.
Before I was through giving my talk people in the room were writing down names of people they wanted me to visit in the program. This morning I received an e-mail with request for me to go visit 5 different people.
Back to yesterday. Then I went to the Hospice House and and visited with some people there. Last Thursday there I took a picture with a lady who was 92 years young, and as it turned out it was the very first picture she had ever taken with Santa.
After Hospice I went to the Hospital. Visited with a little guy 4 years old who had been runover by a tractor, he is a real miracle. When I walked into his ICU room he had a smile that could light up the skys.
It was a great visit. Then across the way I went to visit with a 15 year old who was in an automobile accident and had a major brain injury, it looks like he will turn out to be in good shape, before it is all over.
Out and down the hall I went as I passed by the ICU waiting room there were 3 young ones waiting in there with there Mom Grandma and a couple Great Aunts. The little ones Great Grandma was in ICU and the prognosis was grim as I started talking to them. The oldest boy about 7 told me that all he wanted for Christmas was for his Great Gram to get well, It was my duty to tell him that there was someone bigger than Santa who would have to take care of that, and that I would be praying. I was able to visit with the others and share with all of them some Love, Hope and Joy.
Around the corner and down the hall I went to the PEDS unit. They had eight patients for me to visit with. It gives me so much Joy to see the looks on the Childrens faces when Santa walks in the room.
Enough of the Hospital scene, so I headed downtown for some coffee at my favorite Coffee shop COOL BEANS, I finally found a parking spot and had to walk about a block to Coffee. On the way there a young lady came running out of a store and said Santa I Love You. All I could say was ditto. Then a little guy came walking up the street with his mom and I spoke to him and handed him one of my special cards.
Then I decided that the store the young lady came out of was on a gift certificate that I had been given, so I went back in there to shop for a gift for Mrs Claus. Well the little guy and his mom followed me in. I finished my shopping and continued on to Coffee. In just a couple minutes the little guy came in there with mom he ordered up a hot Cocoa. I asked the lady to put a little extra whip cream on for him. Mom and the little guy drank their goodies and left.
I sat there at Cool Beans for another 45 minutes enjoying several cups of their special blend. Then it was time for me to head off to a Christmas Party for some preschoolers. It had to be the nicest warmest HOME I mean a real home where this party was held. Another one of those warm fuzzy things going on. Before I left I was asked if I could go to another Party on Sunday. It was a great 2 hours.
Then I came home to make three calls to children from Santa. I made the first two then to the third and it was then that I had realized I had them in the wrong time zone. I called and the girls were already in bed. So we made arrangements for me to call them this evening.
I went to bed and tossed all night because of that call. Santa is not supposed to make those kind of mistakes.
Well I was woke up this morning by Mrs Claus saying that someone was calling. It seems that little guys mom is a local DJ for a morning drive show and her and her partner were looking for the Santa that was downtown so one of my friends was calling to let me know. I called and spoke to them it seems they are wanting me to come down next week and talk to some children on the phone live from the station at 6:30 in the morning. So Santa will be up early for that one.
I was able to get my calls in this evening and Mrs. Claus was able to help me make the call to the girls I missed last night extra special as she took her turn at talking to them.
Speaking of Mrs Claus she was quoted in Time Magazine last week in an article about Santas' it was only in the subscribers issue that is sent to women, and it can be found online. Her quote which was meant to describe all Santas' was "Santa is just a Chick Magnet"
Well that has to be the end of this post for now. I hop[e to have some more goodies soon. I will be answering 34 letters from first and second graders and that post should be interesting.
Monday, November 20, 2006

Here a photo of a couple
elves that were helping
at the breakfast. They did
a great job. There cousin
was in a serious car accident
and I visited her in the hospital
twice a week and then when
she went I get to see her once
a week.
The next day on Sunday we
had a reception at The Great
Falls Childrens Museum. It was
held for special needs children,
not a great turn out but we had
a lot of fun as everything is
It is almost time to start the countdown to Christmas.
I will start counting number of visits theis year we
will now be at 163. The elves are Shea and Shelby.
I almost forgot there is a new blog up for the book
that I posed for the illustrator. Miracle At Cabbagehead
Pass. They are going to tell the story behind the process
of having this book published and how everyone got
together, so please check them out and add to your
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
At the fair I met Uncle Curly the clown, a very nice kinda guy. His cousin Billy does sand sculpture and he took ten days to do a great one at the fair.

Also at the fair Santa found a new Elf Amy. She will be helping Santa with a lot of things the first of which she decided that she should be the seamstress to the Claus's She has already made Mrs. Claus a new outfit and four new Shirts for Santa.
Then we had the great photo shoot for the book Miracle on Cabbagehead Pass. The publishers are just great people Ang and Dan DePriest with Scribe books. The author Dave Cook I have only spoke to once and a couple e-mails. over a period of three days we took about 650 photos.
We ate dinner together twice and they introduced Santa to a new coffee shop. Cool Beans on Central Ave. downtown Great Falls. The coffee is great the people are even better and I don't think I have ever sat in more comfortable chairs. I am excited to see how the illustrator Brian Morger does with all the photos. The book should be out in time for Christmas 2007, I have never read such a wonderful Christmas story before.
I was able to complete Hospice training with Peace Hospice for the things I do with check out their website when you get a chance. www.santa-america,org I have been visiting the hospital at least twice a week.
My Elf Amy started a promotion for a breakfast with Santa that will benefit Santa-America she is a real go getter and a major supporter of what I do with the organization. The breakfast will be held November 18th from 8a.m. until noon at the VFW in Great Falls. Then the next afternoon we will be having a special meet and greet with Santa at the Childrens Museum for special needs children.
A couple weeks ago my friend Bob Litak launched our Just be Claus website. I have an e-mail address there yes that is right no @ in that one. If you get a chance you can check that one out as well. I have been asked by several people if I would be going back to San Diego (National City's Plaza Bonita Mall) again this year. Unfortunately I will not be going there. I am going to stay here and do the charitable Santa things that I enjoy so much. I will be available for some private parties for a nominal fee. It is my hope that another website will be launched within the next week or two. it is not up as of yet. But when it does come up I will be making telephone calls from the North Pole as it will show up on your caller ID. It is my hope that I can make a few extra dollars for myself as well as being able to put some dollars into some charitable organizations.
I will be completing Childrens bereavement training this week.
I checked with the only theatre here last week to see about being there for the opening of Santa Claus 3 the escape clause. They will get back to me this week I hope as the Movie opens up on November 3rd.
The other BIG news is that I have been appointed the Northwest regional Director of AORBS, Almagated Order of Real Bearded Santa's.
Special Notes I was very pleased that the mommy and me classes that I have seen asked me to make special arrangements with them this year, and I am sorry that I will not be there for them. I am really sorry that I will not be able to see Nathan this year either. If Nathans mom will send me an e-mail I would like to correspond with her.
That will be all for Now. I will try to keep caught up with this so that everyone will know what Santa is doing.
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
JULY 19, 2006 Santa at the fair
Well the State Fair will be coming up and we don't have the money to attend so Santa gets a brilliant idea and we drive into the fair office with a proposal. I go in and see Stan the Man and ask him how he would like to have Santa wandering around the fairgrounds for 10 days jsut greeting people and letting them take photos. He tells me their budget is already shot. So I think wow they might pay for something like this! I then respond with I don't want to get paid this year, I jsut want passes to get in every day with Mrs. Claus. He said he could handle that and gets us hooked up.
So now this roller coaster is just starting up the really big hill.
Before we left for Branson the paper here at the North Pole had interviewed us and came by to take some photos. Well it was published while we were out of town as follows.
Belt Santa heading to Claus convention in MissouriBy STACY HASLEM Tribune Staff Writer
When children spot Santa Claus at the grocery store — out of suit in the middle of summer — they straighten up real quick.
"First they look at me like they're not real sure about this, like is that him or isn't it," said Tim Mack, a bleach-bearded Belt man who plays the part year-round. "Then I'll go up and talk to them and say, 'You know who I am, don't you?'"
With an everyday wardrobe of Christmas-flavored shirts, red Dickies pants and a belt buckle bearing the initials S.C., Mack said he magically morphed into the jolly old elf in 1998, when he first slipped into the big red suit.
Since then, he's authenticated his look and spends his days cheering up those who need a lift.
"There couldn't be a better job in the world," the 53-year-old said. "It is by far the most rewarding thing I have ever done in my life."
In addition to sipping cocoa and nibbling cookies, the Santas will attend various workshops to better themselves.
"How to deal with special needs children, how to take care of your hair and beard, storybook telling, how to promote yourself, Santa and the media, Santa's wardrobe ... we'll be covering different categories like that," Mack said.
The convention offers workshops for Mrs. Claus, too.
Dana Mack jumped on the sleigh about a year after her hubby did.
"I got a red and white flannel night gown, put an apron over it and white fur on the bottom of it," said Mack, a cook at the Montana School for the Deaf and the Blind.
However, Mack plays Mrs. Claus only during the Christmas season, and she has not gone to the hair-bleaching extremes of her naturally salt-and-peppered husband.
"I'm 45 and people put me in my 30s," the brunette said. "I was just in yesterday for a perm."
The Mrs. Claus workshops cover duties like decorating cookies and taking care of Santa. Mrs. Mack already has the latter covered, however.
"I give him lots of love and try to keep him happy, which isn't hard," she said.
But most days cookies aren't on the menu at the Mack house.
"In fact, Tim asked before we got married if I'd make cookies, and I said, 'No,'" she giggled.
Even without fresh-baked cookies, Tim Mack experiences a warm feeling several times a week through his volunteer work at Benefis Hospital.
"Basically Tim visits two to three times a week," said Kathy Yarger, manager of volunteer services at Benefis. "He just knocks on the door and pops in for a visit."
"Today there was a pediatric patient, a 90-year-old lady and 74-year-old who needed a pick-me-up," Yarger said in an interview last Thursday. "And he can pick anybody up.
"He doesn't have any hesitations or fears."
Mack also volunteered at the Montana Special Olympics Summer Games in Great Falls in May.
"That was just the most wonderful thing — those kids are special," he said. "They love Santa. They have no problems identifying me."
"I worked the last two years at a mall in San Diego," Mack said. "Real-bearded Santas make good money in bigger malls."
People also hire him for business and private parties.
"Those are the paid things I do that help me to be able to do the volunteer stuff," he said.
Being Santa Claus is dear to Mack's heart.
"When I first put the suit on, something changed inside of me — something magical happened, a metamorphosis took place," he said. "Prior to that time, I was very cold and wanted nothing to do with Christmas."
But he's found there's nothing better than having a 4- or 5-year-old kid jump up on his lap like he's the best thing ever.
Though, some folks give him the odd eye when he's making his rounds.
"I just tell them I haven't lost my mind, I just found my heart," he said.
Reach Tribune Staff Writer Stacy Haslem at 791-1490, 800-438-6600 or at
Originally published July 6, 2006
Next morning I listen to the machine and the message was from a rather well known artist here at the North Pole. So I returned his call and he told me he hasa firm deal with a publisher to illustrate a Christmas book and he would like me to model for it as Santa. We talked and made arrangements to meet for lunch later in the week.
The day of the lunch I took Mrs. Claus in with me. When the artist lets just call him Brian for now arrives and starts telling us about the story. It has an unusual twist Seems Santa is having a poor Christmas Eve and is sick, combine that with several disasters and then have an angel show up, and bring back the real meaning of Christmas and WOW this is so cool. As he is telling us the story he looks at Mrs. Claus and says he wants to use her as the model for for Mrs. Claus, he doesn't want the typical Mrs. Claus and says she will be perfect. Lunch over he will make some calls and get back to me.
So hold on for the roller coaster ride, because we have just hit the tip of the ice berg.
Wow what a trip that was we took three days to drive down there Mrs. C and I. We had 4 full days of workshops then off to a variety of Shows every night. I had 299 of my real bearded ambassadors there as well as approximately 250 Mrs. C's and helpers. It was so much fun fellowshipping with all of those Jolly Ol fat men in red suits, of course most of us maintained a more casual summer attire.
Except for the morning of the parade, we were up at 5:oo a.m. leaving for the parade area by six. I guess we created a lot of noise all those big guys with bells ringing through the Raddison hotel so early in the morning. Through out the trip we took over 400 photos and it would just be too difficult to figure out which ones to put up.
We took our time coming home and was able to visit relatives and friends all the way back.
Friday, June 30, 2006

We have had a big committee of Santa Ambassadors prepairing for athe First ever Almagamated Order Of Real Bearded Santas convention. They have put together 26 workshops so that these Ambassadors can become better at what they do. Such as care and feeding of Santa's Hair and Beard, Dealing with special needs Children, Story Telling, History of Santa Claus, Santa Ethics, Santa and the media, Santa's basic and advanced Wardrobe, Working with a mall photo company these are just a few of the workshops that have been set up.
Norad that would be the North American Air Defense Command will be tracking my trip to Branson on Thursday just like they track my route on Christmas Eve. With all of my ambassadors there. The tricky part will be trying to find me in the crowd. The Children there will have fun trying to figure it out. I have found that the good ones have no problem picking me out of a crowd. There will be Ambassadors from all over the United States and maybe a few from other parts of the country.
I will do everything I can to make daily post on the events in Branson, We have been told that the network morning news programs will show up for our parade through Kringles Christmas Village on Friday morning at 7:00 A.M. Some parts of my entorage will be leaving on Saturday so there could be some updates as early as Sunday night.
There are a lot of new things coming up for Santa this year and that information should be coming out In August.
The biggest thing happening this next week will be a feature article that will be coming out in the Thursday July 6th issue of the Great Falls , Montana Tribune, Lifestyles section. It should be very interesting as they have talked to a lot of Santa's Associates. I am hoping that they will put an emphasis on the Santa-America Association as that is really where Santa's Heart is at.
Look for updates more often during the upcoming months. Santa is in need of a new sleigh( mini van or something like it) So I have been putting the word out in hopes that we can get one donated for the Santa America trips that I will be making.
Monday, May 01, 2006
Steering committee to Branson
Tuesday, April 04, 2006
We Have Been Busy
Here is a web address for those that might be interested in what will be happening It will be a lot of fun to get together with what we are anticipating to be 300 to 500 other white bearded gentlemen. I have discovered something rather interesting in working on this committee. A Santa can talk to a child and usually discuss all they need to talk about and get photos taken in 2 to 5 minutes. But when one Santa gets on the phone with another one it usually takes 45 to 90 minutes. That has some explanation as to what I have been doing.
The Santa-America training program that was going to take place in June at Daphne, Alabama has been rescheduled to take place in Branson. It will start 2 days prior to the AORBS convention and some of the workshops will be held to coincide with the convention. All that means is one less trip I will have to make this summer. If I had to make a choice in doing just one though it would be the Santa-America training.
So now the committee members will be getting together in Branson the first week in May to go through all of the different events verify schedules and make contingency plans. It still means I have to do a lot of driving this summer. Going on 2 different trips that will be over 5,000 miles.
I was considering just renting a car for both trips but It looks like for the second trip in July anyway Santa will have a new sleigh. I have been doing some bartering and have managed to come up with a 1986 Chevrolet Celebrity station wagon. It wil be getting a new transmission and then some of the guys in the shop figured that if it was going to be for Santa that it would have to have some custom work done on it. So they have come up with a lot of plans and we will just have to see what happens. I know the first thing they want to do is paint it red and have the out line of a sleigh on the side painted in gold. From there they have even more plans like redoing the interior, special lights and sound etched rear windows and some special graphics. They have told me that they can have it ready for my trip the first of July. Now all I have to do is be patient and wait for them to do the work. If their plan comes together it should be a rather wild ride. It is almost like getting that OVERHAULING thing done on television, this will just take longer. I will try to keep updates on the progress of this project posted on this blog.
Monday, March 20, 2006
Santa Has Been Busy
We are having a parade through Branson all Santa's & Mrs. going through town at 7:00a.m. It is that early for 2 reasons if we wait any later Santa's would be dropping like flies in their suits because of the heat. The other is they are looking for the morning news programs to pick it up. That should be quite a site to see all that red and white.
That is going to be a busy week due to Santa-America will be doing their training sessions starting 2 days ahead of the AORBS Convention that way more Santa's will be able to do both.
There are still some other exciting things going on as well. One of which is that this blog could end up being the basis for a book that I have been asked to write. Of course whatever names I use will have to be changed to protect the guilty.
Then I have a new wonderful friend in Arizona that is working on some other things that will enhance my Santa duties. When I can tell everyone about it this will be the first place the news will come out.
People are actually starting to send comments and I am trying to figure out how to get them to come up automatically so that everyone can check them out. So keep those comments coming I enjoy being able to read them.
Thursday, March 09, 2006
It has been a long time
Well I have been working on some other new things and when it is finalized this is where it will be heard first. I am not sure how long it will take though. A lot of what I am working on has to do with this blog though.
Thursday, January 19, 2006
Hey Santa Christmas is Over
When the car was done I went over to a trade show, it is mainly for farming but they do have a vendors there showing off their new tools. I was seeing if they had anything new that would make my job of making Santa belt buckles easier.
As I was walking past one of the implement dealers there were some salesmen sitting on some equipment and one of they called out to me, Hey Santa Christmas is over. So I had to ask him "So does that mean that Santa just dies the next day. The look on this guys face was priceless, and then the other guys let him know that I had got him pretty good. That was almost as good as the three little girls from last week.
I am getting my e-bay store up and running again after being on vacation mode. It takes a little time to list the new items and I want to have my Santa Belt buckles up on there within the next couple days. If you go on e-bay I think you can do a store search and the name of mine is pretty easy, I Believe In Santa.
Saturday, January 14, 2006
Web Site problems
Mrs. Claus and I are enjoying the empty nest thing but we still miss Shane being here at home. This morning he received his official certificate and ID from The Royal Order of Santa Claus and National Santa Claus registry.
I will let everyone know when I have the website up and running again but I think I will give it a couple of days before I do, just to make sure it is running right.
Friday, January 13, 2006
The Cats out of the bag