Here a photo of a couple
elves that were helping
at the breakfast. They did
a great job. There cousin
was in a serious car accident
and I visited her in the hospital
twice a week and then when
she went I get to see her once
a week.
The next day on Sunday we
had a reception at The Great
Falls Childrens Museum. It was
held for special needs children,
not a great turn out but we had
a lot of fun as everything is
It is almost time to start the countdown to Christmas.
I will start counting number of visits theis year we
will now be at 163. The elves are Shea and Shelby.
I almost forgot there is a new blog up for the book
that I posed for the illustrator. Miracle At Cabbagehead
Pass. They are going to tell the story behind the process
of having this book published and how everyone got
together, so please check them out and add to your
Glad to see you are doing such good work... Missed seeing you in that last snowstorm, I guess you were out feeding the reindeer when I blew through town in a blizzard. Maybe when the snow stops falling I will make it back.
your friend, Motorcycle Mike..
Now that I know that you have post approval, I won't be so anonymous. I wasn't sure you wanted links to too many sites, so I sent the last note anonymously.
Missed you in GF, but I was quite busy with family..
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