Tuesday, November 22, 2005

A Rather Unique Request for Santa

Santa gets asked to deliver a lot of things at Christmas, but this one was over the top for being unique. Brendan a very well behaved 7 year old came in with his mother for a visit with Santa this evening. He had asked for the typical types of things for a boy his age. Then he hit me with a big one that Santa just cannot deliver himself. He asked to have his pacemaker removed. Then mom told me that the doctors may be able to do that in the spring. After Brendan was through talking with Santa and received his CANDY CANE. I just had to ask mom for some more information, the short version is that Brendan's biological mother was a heavy duty drug user and Brendan was born pretty sick. His Mom adopted him when he was six months old and at 11 months he had to have a pacemaker put in. His mom said that he has gotten pretty healthy and is very active, and wants to play football. I think his adopted parents have got to be some pretty awesome people to take in a child with all the special medical needs and they were aware of the problems in advance. Brendan will probably be able to have his pacemaker removed in the spring, but personally this request needs to go to the big guy. So I am going to make a request to all of those that read this blog that pray to lift Brendan in their prayers that this young man will be able to get his wish, and come through it all being even more healthy.

Now on the lighter brighter side. When Santa arrived there was a scramble to locate the Candy Canes that Santa normally would hand out. Well they were able to find some small ones and they did not last long, so Santa was giving out other kinds of candy and holiday tattoos that will wash off. Then today the regular Candy Canes showed up. So now we will be set up for the big rush on Friday.

Santa found he could cross over ethnic boundaries pretty easy today. I had a big guy probably in his twenties come down who thought he was going to be able to hassle Santa a bit. He came back to me and said he did dot speak English so in Spanish I was able ask him Tehas portada bein? He replied Mucho Bein! Then I asked Que Querra para la Navidad. He said muchacha (ok maybe I have this all spelled wrong) but I did understand that he wanted a girlfriend. I just had to tell him he needed to be very very good and then go look for one himself. He then decided he want a photo.

Then I had two teenagers slip in the back door they thought they were going to be real cool and came through the rear entrance. I was able to invite them to sit with me. One looked at my beard and asked "Is that a your real beard?" I assured him it was. Then his buddy must have thought he could catch me up. He said he had seen a black Santa, I told him he was my brother with a different mother. The two young men liked my answer and left saying Santa is cool.

As everyone can see or has noticed there was nothing put in for Monday, it was a very slow uneventful day only 45 visits with Santa.

today's visits was 79 for a total so far of 645 on Santa's lap.

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