Well let me start with some photos of the newest of Santa's helpers. Shane. The first one is of him with a long time Santa visitor from the first visit she was puzzled about the true identity of Santa. Then a couple years ago she and Mrs. Claus were working together at a catering event, and it hit her who Santa and Mrs. Claus were. She figured out the identity of this helper a lot quicker though, and she has been sworn to secrecy. The second photo of Shane is him getting ready to leave for his first appearance. And the last one he is handing out a few treats to the elementary school students at the North Pole.
Now for events at Plaza Bonita. This morning Santa made an appearance at the Club Walkers annual Christmas breakfast. I was asked how many had sat on my lap so far this year and that number as of this morning was 3576. We added another 3 right away by random drawing. Then I asked who the oldest Club Walker was and found a lady who is 97 years young so she sat on Santa's lap. So now I can say I have had them from 2 days old all the way up to 97, I did remind them that they are never too old to sit on Santa's lap for a visit to make their Christmas request.
Then it was on to WOW warm up. Where Santa was invited to Outback for Plaza Bonita's Employee appreciation dinner. Where I added 2 more to those that sat on Santa's lap and someone has photos of this one as well. I had Andy the General Manager and his assistant Kevin. I sure was glad we did not do them at the same time, even though Santa could have handled it easily. Once again Plaza Bonita went out of their way to make Santa feel like he really does have a second home.
Things are getting busy enough here that Santa will be escorted to his breaks by the wonderful security staff at Plaza Bonita.
Here a just a few of that team on picture day as the photographer and I were trying to get Percy into the right position for the photo. So today's salute will go out to Security.
These guys are probably going to have their hands full making sure that Santa gets to take his breaks without getting mobbed along the way. So Thanks for going the extra mile for Santa.
Well the memorable item of the day was behind the Santa set as a young man came charging through to say Hi to Santa, As I escorted him back to the lady I thought was his mom. She informed me that she was really step mom. After our brief private conversation Santa she decided that the step mom would leave her vocabulary and she would just be Mom. The other item of the day was when a mother told me this evening that she had brought her first son to see me Santa last year at Plaza Bonita and had decided she would never take her children any place else and tonight there was two sons. These are the things that make me want to come back to Plaza Bonita for a long time.
Todays visits came to 137 which brings the total to date this year to 3713
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