Two Front Teeth
Just an observation but it sure does seem to me like there have been a great deal more children show up this year missing at least one and in most cases both top front teeth. These children really don't want to smile but the parents seems to get a kick out of it when we get them to. It seems none of them know the song All I want for Christmas is my two front teeth.
The interesting request was from a girl about 5 or 6 and she said she wanted her family all to be together, and wanted her grandfather home. When I asked that dreaded question where is he? She very matter of factly answered that he was in jail but he did not do anything. I told her that I did not think Santa could help out that situation.
Today I was pri
velidged to have lunch with my old friend Sara and her 2 cousins Simean and Angelina. Lunch conversation was filled with questions trying to figure out if I was the real Santa. Put me on my toes pretty quick. When it was time for me to go back to the Santa set they wanted to walk back down with me. I thought it was pretty funny when they said that they would be the
most popular ones around walking with Santa. Well I would have had a couple photos of all of us sitting together except for the character on the left seems to have a problem with getting a photo framed in and pushing the shutter button without shaking. That should not have been a problem as this camera has an anti shake feature on it. I am REALLY GLAD he doesn't work on the Santa set. Now the photo of this mystery man is one that I took. This next photo is one he took of his own ear, just so you can see some of his work. The photo he took of the children and I was so bad I would not even bother putting it in here. If you look real close at his ear you will be able to verify that he is one of my elves. Not one that makes me very happy as he is in charge of the inside weather conditions at the Santa and it is still not cold enough to compare with the North Pole.
I am about to decide that the biggest problem with children today is actually the parents. When we start getting the number of visits we had today it is difficult to find a slow spot for Santa to take his lunch and dinner breaks, so we have to cut the line off. This involves putting someone working on the set to stand at the back of the line and tell people that Santa will be going to lunch or dinner. This evening we sent out a young lady to do this she is a small girl who is very mild mannered and meek. Well some of the people would not listen to her and wanted to argue with her and got in line anyway, she came back into the set and about half scared said she would not argue with these people that she was not going to get into a fight with them so that Santa could take a break. We finally got the only guy working on the set this year to stand at the end of the line. By the time he managed to get there a few more families were able to get in line. I think it is a poor example to the children if you just bully enough you can get your way. Well so much for the rant. All of that goes away as soon as that first child climbs up onto my lap and looks at me with all the hope in the world.Today we had 301 visits bringing the total so far to 4251.
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