Well my fellow Americans I do believe that our skies are pretty safe. Santa left the North Pole having to do the entire security process he took of his Belt Buckle, shoes, emptied his pockets removed the laptop walked though the metal detector and set off all the bells and whistles. So TSA had to do the wand deal and a pat down. seems the metal tabs on his suspenders for making adjustments, the metal buttons for fastening the suspenders, and lastly the western style snaps Mrs Claus likes to use on Santa's shirts. Well it looks rather funny Santa getting the shake doown treatment by TSA. I made it through the ordeal in time to get my flight to Denver.
Now I must regress enough to let people know that as soon as I walked into the airport A little girl recognized me right off the bat right up the front. I walked in and she took a very quick look and said big as you please "Santa!!!!" I acknowledged her and we had several whispered conversations before boarding the plane...
It just doesn't pay to do things undercover in disguise. I weard Red double knee pants, Red Suspenders, Red socks black shoes, one of the shirts that Mrs Claus makes up for me out of
Christmas print material and we are up to 13 this year. Seems I get caught a lot but then if I were blue jeans and a T I get accused ofbeing Jerry Garcia, Oh well I prefer the Santa Personna.
On with the trip, got lucky the seat assiigment was messed up so I was able to sit in a seat where no one was sitting next to be. On some of those small planes it is difficult to fit a big guy next to another person, so it was like having 2 seats. Arrive in Denver had to be the gate that
was the absolute farthest away. I was hoping that they had those rental lockers so I could just lock up all my carry on stuff in the middle of the concourse. The flight to San Diego was at the other end of the concourse. When I got to the center I asked the nice people at information about where I was going to meet my family at, they gave me directions and I was able to carry all that stuff and take the train to the main terminal. They call it a train it is a subway! So I did not have to wait long and my sister Trena showed up at the fountain with my niece Trudy, her hisband Niel, and my Great Nephew Thomas. We spent about an hour visiting taking photos enjoying a latte and having people ask if the beard was real and wanting to pull on it. Trena, Trudy, and Thomas were all given permanent tickets to board the Polar Express. We said our byes and then it was back to security for me.
This I was afraid would be a wreck, all those nice people with TSA wanted me to go through their metal detectors, they just wanted to talk to Santa. Well we did it again and Santa had to do the whole thing again. This time they all wanted business cards so I gave out cards with my photo on it , that has this blog site address and email address on it. All of TSA were putting in their Christmas request, only to be told that after everything Santa had gone through with them today they would probably not be on the nice list. Took the subway and arrived at my gate just in time. Wow it happened again I was able to get an extra room seat again.
Alright made it to San Diego went to pick up the reserved Avis rental car that was suppossed to be a compact. Picture that Santa squeezing into a compact car!!! Ola I had found a coupon on the internet for a free upgrade and it worked I went all the way to a full size Nissan Altima. I was offered a suburban but passed due to the price of gas. Things are looking up I was able to find my way onto the freeway system and found my motel The Holiday Inn Express in Chula Vista. They have treated me real well the room is a vice size comfortable desk chair. Have been told they would have a special something in my room for me every nite. I found a Wal-Mart and picked up a case of bottled water and a few of the other items I thought I would like to have on hand, I don't normally mind going shopping but at this time of year it is difficult for Santa to go shopping without it causing a bit of a stir. So I wanted to get what I thought I would need early and be through shopping. I had problems getting my wireless service working at the motel, it took a couple days to get it straightened out, and now we a back.
Met with the crew from the photo company seems like I will have nice people to work with, some familiar from last year and quite a few new faces. As they were doing a training session I was able to put in my two cents worth. Looks like I will get more assistance from set members. One whole paragraph just about Santa on their duties and responsibilities sheet and the last line says. Do Not put Santa in a mad mood. I thought that one was funny. I was ready to call it a night it was already past 10.
Alright its Veterans Day, stopped by Plaza Bonita to meet with the mall people thought I would meet Rhonda the new Marketing Director, but she has the late shift. So I went to the warm up meeting and got a very nice reception from all that were there. I handed out buttons that said I Believe in Santa to all the Westfield people that were there and made sure the department heads had enough buttons for all in there departments. That went well, so now we are off to Hollywood. I will pick up my nephew Kent and his lady friend Bianca, thought we could go have lunch and then to Adelle's of Hollywood to get fitted for a new Santa Suit. I wanted to look at the material choices and a few other optional items so it had to be in person. The trip north took almost 3 hours a lot of traffic, then all of a sudden it just stops on the freeway. Made no sense to me, then I see a billboard type of fancy sign that says "This traffic Jam brought to you by..............then it turned into this changeable screen setup.
Well Kent and Bianca said they had just gotten up and had Cinnamon rolls fro breakfast, and were not very hungry so we went right to Adelle's. it was only about 7 miles from where they lived but by the time we got there it seemed like 700 miles. Adelle was so nice to me and another Santa had showed up to pick up his suit, so my young friends were a little amazed to see two Santa's in the same spot. Adelle showed me all the materials and I picked out the Cardinal red cotton velvet with lots of pockets. She will be sending that home for me sometime in early December. Then we were off to find someplace differnt to eat, it was suggested that we go to Hollywood & Highwood a place like a mall with a lot of different eateries. That whole Hollywood scene was just about as bizarre as it could ever get. It was not something I would be able to write about on this site, just some strange people. Now taking Kent and Bianca back to there place, about 7 miles lots of traffic too many people. We were able to get a gew pictures in and then I headed back to Chula Vista just knowing I would get lost trying to get to the freeway.
Made it back without getting lost. Just seemed like more traffic than I am used to seeing in an entire year. Well next post will be day one as soon as I have time. It was very interesting, from the first photo taken. so come back for the update.