It really doesn't get much better than today. The way this day went really helped to remind me why I am Santa. One on my first visits today was from a friend from last year, Nathan he probably made it to see Santa at least 12 times last year. He would just come walking in to remind me that he wanted Buzz Liteyear, and he wanted to make sure that I did not forget him. Today was his first time in this year and I had not forgot him, only now he wants Buzz pajamas.
Now the photo above Jacob and Joshua, they had been in a couple weeks ago and had there photos taken. I had been able to remember that part. Jacob wanted spiderman stuff and Joshua wants batman stuff. Well they came into remind me of this today. Except that Joshua was just hanging around the front of the set and when I asked mom what was wrong the reply was priceless. Seems Joshua has caught a bit of a cold and he told mom that he did not want to get too close to Santa because he knew he was going to be busy and did not want him to get sick! I asked him to come in a little closer so we could get this photo. Joshua is in the orange and grey shirt and as soon as we took the picture he moved back out of the way. I really did want to just scoop him up and give him a big hug. But realizing now I only have 10 days left on the set I figured. I would let him keep his distance so that I don't get sick. Not many children will consider that type of thing.
Santa get a lot of children in daily with a variety of names however today seemed rather strange, before lucnh I had 4 different Nathan's in and 3 different Joshua's.
Then I had Ivan and Issac in this afternoon, Issac was not very cooperative he would not raise his head up to look at the camera or Santa and smiling about anything was not going to happen, even with all the usual bribes that usually work on 3 year olds. After what seemed like hours and was probably only 20 minutes 5 year old Ivan informed Santa that Issac had a girlfriend on TV. Now Issac perked right up and the exchange between the two brothers was great. We were finally able to get a photo with Issac smiling then I was able to find out that the girlfriend of whichever brother was a little girl in a pampers commercial. It was just hard to believe that one.
Now this evening was really good when I got word of a second generation Santa in my home at the North Pole. I have a 19 year old son who will be going to college in January and he was talked into putting on the Red suit to take Santa's place at some of the functions I used to do before I wound up coming to Plaza Bonita. Well tonight he did it for the first time, he went to the local elementary school Christmas program and did Santa for those Children. Mrs. Claus gave me the report and sent me a photo. He still needs some work on a few items, first of all I was told he had a really weak Ho Ho Ho that went more like hohohohohoho pretty soft and way to many. Then Mrs. Claus said he just doesn't have the girth that a Santa really needs even with padding. Evidently he did not take enough time to prepare as well, had a nice white beard and wig, but it just doesn't work with real dark brown eyebrows. Today though my Hat is off to Shane for his first try at imitating his dad, and good luck to him in the events he still has to cover in the next 10 days.
Overall today was a fun day on the Santa set, the way it is suppossed to be the children and parents were all having a good time, except for one incident where a mother rather pushed her son up through the line then managed to interrupt another family that was deciding which photos they wanted. I just thought she was being very very rude, but Santa is not the bad guy in these situations and then I found out the woman managed to get her photos without paying for them she actually just walked off with them. Oh well it takes all kinds to make the world go round.
Today we only had 83 visits bringing the total for the season to 3498.
No post from yesterday the only big event was the rubber chicken and cow that showed up a day late for Santa Paws.
I am looking for an e-mail of a photo so that I can let everyone in on the cow and the chicken that are being held for ransom from an instuctor in the military. Seems this rubber chicken and cow have been all ove the world with photos being sent to the instructor every week showing them in a different place. So yesterday they wound up on Santa's lap. more information on this will follow I hope.
1 comment:
Dear Santa-
We are so honored you mentioned Nathan in your blog (and took a picture with him). Mommy read all your posts yesterday, laughed and shed a couple of tears too. I must add that Nathan is more interested in seeing you and just visiting, rather than making sure you know he wanted Buzz (although the fact that we visit the Disney store prior to Santa each time doesn't help much :-) ). You are quite the attractive/authentic Santa, and we are thrilled to know that you only started at Plaza Bonita last year, the first year our Nathan really "got it" about X-mas, and that you are back this year. Thanks for making the trip, and making my son light up with the joy of being in your presence. He talked about it all day long, and every time he touches the candy cane you gave him. We'll bring in Baby Spencer soon, hopefully he will be receptive to sitting with Santa. Merry Christmas!
Nathan's (and Baby Spencer's)Mommy
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