One of the highlights of my visit to Plaza Bonita was Hyundai's Califronia Drive Inn, and yet I knew it was a mistake. Well I got the 3:00 a.m. wake up call tried to gather my wits loaded up my trunks and headed to the airport. I took the rental car back and they took me to the terminal. I thought good I can get checked in throught security and maybe take a nap while I waited for the plane to start boarding. There was no one at the counter so I went to the self service check in and could not get it to work. then I read the screen and it said that it would not be operational until 4:33 a.m. Then this lady comes along and opens them up and says they will not start until 5:00. I was sure security would be holding me up and I would have to make a mad dash for a plane.
As it turned out I was delayed by security seems my suspenders are the culprit. I went up the stairs and was right at my gate. The flight to Denver was peaceful I think there was a short nap. A little over 2 hours layover. The meeting that I was looking forward to did not take place. My flight from Denver to the North Pole was very crowded a jolly old fat man just doesn't fit well in those little airplane seats.

When I got off the plane Mrs. Claus and my number 1 elf were waiting for me with my new suit from Adelles of Hollywood. So I changed into it immediately and we headed off to see Adam on what has become an annual Christmas day visit. He was just as surprised as he has always been. We had a great visit this year I tried not to show how tired I really was. And he introduced me to his new dog, Sunshine who was a bundle of excited fur and did not sit still much. Then Adam had to show me his new recliner and flat screen T.V. of course I already knew about them. Adam Santa & Mrs Claus.

Of course Santa had to try out Adam's new recliner it was the most comfortable seat I have been in in 45 days. So our visit complete with Adam we headed across town to visit with John and his Family. John's Company is the one who cuts out my belt buckles so I can do the finish work on them. This photo of Santa in Adam's chair shows a fair view of one style of buckle.
Now the next information came from a local paper I have tried to edit it to keep some people from knowing exactly where this Santa's North Pole is located. There is one error it says that I was driving 50 miles per hour and when Officer Green came up to the window he told me I was going 40 mph. Another error is where it says I worked as Santa Claus there. What it should have said was that I was Santa Claus there. This is my take on the situation as it happened. I was driving north bound when I noticed the Police car and looked down at my speedometer and knew I was going to fast so I slowed down. Then he turned around coming up behind me with his lights on. I pulled over and he told me I was going 40 mph. He informed me that he was just going to give me a warning, but he needed to see my drivers license so I pulled out my little ID keeper and started to open it up so he could see the regular one. Then I decided it was Christmas and I had my suit on so I should show him my North Pole License. That has usually gotten a chuckle and then I am asked for the real thing. But Officer Green was going right along with it and he called in on his radio, need a 29 check on a license. There was a brief silence then he said it is out of the North Pole, last name of Claus first of Santa, long silence then the dispatcher came on and siad he's not in the system. Officer Green handed me back my I.D. and asked me to slow down and have a Merry Christmas. I thought that it was over. The next evening when the elf came home from work he brought me a copy of this article.
Police give Santa Christmas Gift
Great Falls Police Officer John Green pulled over Santa Claus on Christmas for speeding but declined to write him a ticket.
"Oh, he was jolly," Green said of Claus.
But otherwise, Green discovered that at least two commonly held beliefs about Claus are incorrect.
Claus is widely believed to drive a sleigh and live in the North Pole.
In fact, Green said, Claus drove what appeared to be an Oldsmobile, or a similar mid-size American car. His driver's license showed that he resides in _______.
Sunday afternoon, Green pulled over a car heading north on 38th St. near Schulte's Coffee House. The driver clipped along at 50 miles an hour in a 25 mph zone, he said.
When Green approached the car, he noticed that the driver wore a full beard and a big red shirt.
Green asked for identification, and the driver handed him a driver's license that identified him as Santa Claus.
Claus explained that he was just getting back to _________ from a seven-week stint in San Diego, Green said. (He had worked as Santa Claus there.)
Claus told Green he was "tired," but Claus did not try to talk himself out of a ticket, Green said.
Green wasn't inclined to issue a citation, either.
"I can't give the big man a ticket," he said.
Instead, he issued Claus a verbal warning.
He said that by issuing the warning, he hoped to avoid a lump of coal in his stocking next year.
Sunday, Lt. Tito Rodriguez defended Green's decision to let Claus off with a warning.
Claus might have a valid reason to exceed the speed limit, Rodriguez said.
"Santa's got a lot of ground to cover," he said.
Green, however, said he wasn't likely to write anyone a ticket on Christmas.
Great Falls Police Officer John Green pulled over Santa Claus on Christmas for speeding but declined to write him a ticket.
"Oh, he was jolly," Green said of Claus.
But otherwise, Green discovered that at least two commonly held beliefs about Claus are incorrect.
Claus is widely believed to drive a sleigh and live in the North Pole.
In fact, Green said, Claus drove what appeared to be an Oldsmobile, or a similar mid-size American car. His driver's license showed that he resides in _______.
Sunday afternoon, Green pulled over a car heading north on 38th St. near Schulte's Coffee House. The driver clipped along at 50 miles an hour in a 25 mph zone, he said.
When Green approached the car, he noticed that the driver wore a full beard and a big red shirt.
Green asked for identification, and the driver handed him a driver's license that identified him as Santa Claus.
Claus explained that he was just getting back to _________ from a seven-week stint in San Diego, Green said. (He had worked as Santa Claus there.)
Claus told Green he was "tired," but Claus did not try to talk himself out of a ticket, Green said.
Green wasn't inclined to issue a citation, either.
"I can't give the big man a ticket," he said.
Instead, he issued Claus a verbal warning.
He said that by issuing the warning, he hoped to avoid a lump of coal in his stocking next year.
Sunday, Lt. Tito Rodriguez defended Green's decision to let Claus off with a warning.
Claus might have a valid reason to exceed the speed limit, Rodriguez said.
"Santa's got a lot of ground to cover," he said.
Green, however, said he wasn't likely to write anyone a ticket on Christmas.

Now it's time to go to the hospital and see my mother in law. She had broke her hip on Wednesday and the put a pin in it. She was still in a lot of pain and not wanting to listen to any of the Doctors or Nurses, I guess that is the way it gets as you get more mature. By now Santa is totally exhausted ready to go home for a home cooked meal, kick back in my favorite chair and watch all the good Christmas movies that Mrs. Claus had taped for me. So I hope all have had a Merry Christmas and wishing everyone a Happy New Year. I will be making post on here from time to time just not every day for awhile. It should be at least everyweek though.
1 comment:
It was so good to hear from you. I am glad you are back home with Mrs. Claus. You are a good man and I am proud to know you.
Happy New Year.
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